21 thoughts on “Contact

  1. we love your slumber party cake!! my daughter thinks yours is the best! do you by any chance ship cakes to sacramento,California, USA?

    • Hi Joann,
      Thank you so much 🙂
      Sorry I don’t think one of my cakes would survive that journey…
      I could make just the toppers for you and you could put them on a cake of your own.The toppers should travel well as the fondant dries and gets quite hard.
      Let me know!

  2. sacramento, California what is on the cake topper? is it just like the picture? I don’t know much about cakes, as you can tell. Thank you for replying back! my daughter sleepover is sept 5,2013. thank you

    • Yes i would have made the little girls like the ones in the picture and your daughters name and ‘happy birthday’ that you could put on top of your own cake… But im afraid there is not enough time if you need it by 5 sept…

      Sent from my iPhone

  3. ok, well what time frame are we looking at? her brother bday is sept 22 & maybe we can have another cake there for her. thanks

    • I live in a small town in bc canada. I could make them and send them as soon as possible. The great thing about fondant is that if you keep it in an airtight container it lasts for a very long time. Like years. So you could use them when ever you want. Let me know. Xx N

      Sent from my iPhone

    • hi joann

      So i’m thinking If i can get these little figurines done in 2 days there might be a chance we could make delivery before the 5th. … so i’m going to go ahead and get started on them. let me know your daughters name and age . and let me know if you dont want the order – thats ok too- i’ll find something to do with what ever i have made by the time i hear from you 🙂

      xx Nicole

  4. sorry for the delay!! im so excited!! my daughters name is Kylie she is turning 11. let me know how I can send you the money.

    • Ok great, i just finished the little girls and will make her name in the morning and try to send it tomorrow afternoon. They look pretty cute. now i just need to figure out how to package them so they make it to you safely… 😕

      Please send me your address. I will let you know the final amount once i have shipping price. (You want me to use fastest postage available?) I guess a deposit in to my account would be easiest?

      Xx N

      Sent from my iPhone

  5. wow!! your good!! I think regular shipping will work because you’re super fast!!! what do you think? my address is: 2418 Connie Drive Apt B., Sacramento, California, 95815, Joann Gebert, I have butterflies in my tummy filled with excitement!!! I’m going to keep this a secret and surprise Kylie!! Thanks again!!

    • Hi Joann,

      Ok so i have shipped your parcel. The shipping cost for regular mail would have been $19 but i chose to use expedited shipping (5days) that was $26 but at least now we know it will definitely reach you in time. I will cover the extra $ so just call it $20 shipping + $40 total $60.

      I bubble wrapped them and the box they are in and put that all into a second box with bubble wrap and covered in ‘fragile’ stickers so i really hope they reach you in tact!

      Could you please send me a cheque. My address is

      Nicole Botes 3958 Quesnel-Hydraulic rd Quesnel V2J6G3

      I’m so happy i got this done for you in time and i hope Kylie is super surprised and happy with her cake. I hope you will send me a picture! She is a lucky girl to have a mom like you.

      I have pics of your order that I will be putting no my Facebook page soon. Yum – cakes, cupcakes & cookies

      Xx N

      Sent from my iPad

  6. sorry I was out of town!!! I will send you a check or did you want cash? thank you so much! do I freeze them or put them in the fridge? or can they stay out? joann

    • No problem 🙂

      Cheque or cash, i don’t mind.

      You can freeze them if you want but they will be fine just in an airtight container.

      The two little girls who sit on the blanket have their heads packed separately (less likely to break) so just dab a tiny bit of water on the ‘neck’ and pop on to the body. I have pick so you can see which head goes with which body 🙂

      Xx N

      Sent from my iPhone

  7. Help!! we received the package today& we need to put the girls back together like a puzzle piece& I don’t know what I am suppost to get them to stick. I tried water but I would get one piece stuck then another falls off. we put them in our fridge. the girls have blue fondant die on them and were with a q-tip to get them clean with water. were super happy I just need help with sticking them back together. thanks Nicole, joann

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